513 Seminar on Quantitative Methods and Research Design 3 May be repeated for credit. Course prerequisites: PSYCH 512. Advanced topics in specialized quantitative procedures and in the design of psychological research. The clinical psychology program is based on the scientific-practitioner training model. The program is designed to integrate theory, research, and clinical practice into student education. The objectives of the program are to produce graduates who (1) have a broad knowledge in scientific psychology; (2) provide evidence-based clinical services consistent with ethical and professional standards, including knowledge and sensitivity to diversity issues; and (3) are able to contribute to current knowledge in clinical psychology. At Wichita State, applied learning is everything. In fact, every degree we offer has an applied learning or research experience guaranteed that allows you to gain the relevant skills and experience to prepare your workforce before graduation. Students can use the Psychology Checksheet for the BS to track their progress up to graduation. This form is available online and at the headquarters of the Department of Psychology (JT 233).
You can focus your training on selected specialties (these are not majors or degrees): 529 Work Psychology 3 Prerequisite course: PhD student in psychology. Overview of the most important areas of work psychology and basic theories; the causes and consequences of work-related stressors, injuries and illnesses; individual and organizational interventions. As a rule, offered odd years – spring. • The student-run psychological club helps expand psychological interests outside the classroom with others who have similar interests. • WSU hosts a chapter of Psi Chi, a national honor society that recognizes students` academic achievements and offers activities for psychology majors. 350 Social Psychology 3 Prerequisite course: Sophomore standing. Changes in attitude, conformity, interpersonal relationships, groups and social influences are studied to provide a coherent view of social psychology. (Crosslist course offered as PSYCH 350, SOC 350). Preparation recommendation: PSYCH 105 or SOC 101. Usually offered in fall, spring and summer. Specialized students meet the requirements of Honors College, which supersede the UCORE requirements.
577 Behavioral pharmacology 3 Review of drugs affecting brain function, with a focus on animal models and clinical applications. Recommended preparation: PSYCH 574 or NEUROSCI 520. Cooperative: Open to UI students looking for a degree. To apply for the Bachelor of Science degree, you must. The majors program is designed for those who wish to study psychology as part of a liberal education. for those who plan to use their training in related occupations such as professions, government organizations, business and industry, and psychological services; and for those preparing a thesis in psychology. The courses offered are open to students from other departments who require training in psychology related to their respective areas of expertise. Various undergraduate courses include service learning as part of the course requirements. Service learning provides opportunities for hands-on, experiential learning. Click on the link below to get WSU`s admission requirements and apply. 312 [M] Research Methods in Psychology 4 (3-3) Prerequisite: PSYCH 210; PSYCH 311 with a grade of C- or better. Design, conduct and report on research in selected areas of experimental psychology.
Preparation recommendation: PSYCH 105. Usually offered in fall, spring and summer. Students who have another degree but wish to pursue psychology as a second major must follow the guidelines listed below: To complete the bachelor`s degree in psychology, take 31 credit hours of psychology courses, 15 of which you choose based on your interests and career goals. The PhD program in Experimental Psychology is designed to produce qualified, innovative, and productive experimental psychologists. Graduates must (1) be highly knowledgeable about their area of expertise (cognition, biological, social, industrial/organizational, health or applied quantitative methods), (2) well versed in general experimental psychology, (3) be able to identify important research problems, (4) be able to use a variety of strategies to generate and test hypotheses arising from these problems, and (5) are able to communicate scientific results effectively. 574 Clinical and Experimental Biopsychology 3 Prerequisite course: PhD student in psychology. Neuroanatomical, neurochemical and other biological cases of human and animal behavior. Usually offered in the fall. Cooperative: Open to unemployment insurance students pursuing studies. Students considering graduate degree work are encouraged to consult a mentor from the Faculty of Psychology as soon as possible.
Graduate programs require a strong background in mathematics, science, philosophy, and social sciences, as well as appropriate preparation in psychology itself. Track 2: This track prepares students for higher education in research careers, with an emphasis on the empirical study of addictive behaviors (e.g., clinical and health psychology, public health, and policy). To ensure graduation, students must commit to this track no later than the beginning of their first year (i.e. with 4 semesters remaining at WSUV). Track 2 concludes with an independent research project led by a member of the Faculty of Psychology. 201 Psychology Degrees and Careers 1 Introduction to the major, degree requirements, educational planning resources, college degrees, and careers for psychology majors. Preparation recommendation: PSYCH 105. Usually offered in fall and spring.
UCORE requirements are designed to help students achieve WSU`s learning goals and outcomes. Four broad categories are divided into ten requirements; Only approved classes respond. Customize courses in the WSU catalog to meet UCARE requirements. Out of a total of 34 credits, only three or three credit courses can be taken in the major subject. For details, see the UCORE Requirements Guide website. Excellent facilities are available for teaching and research in psychology. There are facilities specifically designed for research in the areas of learning, memory, perception, animal behavior, neuroscience and social interaction. Among the facilities of the department is also the Psychology Clinic, a training clinic for doctoral students in clinical psychology. In addition, cooperation with other units of the university as well as with external agencies and institutions allows students to gain first-hand experience in research and professional work. The University maintains an extensive library of books and journals in psychology and related fields.
The Bachelor of Science in Psychology requires at least 35 credit hours in psychology. The online catalogue contains the latest changes to curricula and study requirements approved by the Faculty Senate, including changes that are not yet in effect. Courses with two entries of the same number indicate that the course information changes. The last approved version is displayed first, followed by the old version in gray, with the last valid term before the course title. Courses displayed in gray with only one entry in the course number will be discontinued. Course offerings per semester can be accessed by clicking on the term links when consulting a specific campus catalog. A psychology degree from Wichita State is excellent preparation for college and careers in a variety of settings, from health care to human resources. 403 Multicultural psychology 3 Multidisciplinary analyses of the relationship between socio-ecological and political contexts and individual and collective psychology. 523 Health Psychology 3 Course Requirements: PhD Student in Psychology.